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Aeries Parent Portal
We would like to introduce our new Student Information System Aeries
Aeries offer Parent and Student Portals with a list of convenient functions
- Browser-based access anytime, anywhere, with any device
- Stay up-to-date with school events and assignments with the portal calendar
- Students and/or parents have the ability to request courses online
- Single, secure sign-in for parents or guardians with multiple students, regardless of school
- Multi-lingual support (English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, Korean and Arabic)
- Student Profile provides a comprehensive view of students’ progress

You can Log In and Manage your Parent Portal at
Parent Portal Accounts are Auto-Created based on primary contact email settings, No Verification Code needed.
Please call your School Site office if you log in and do not see your student listed.
For Directions on how to navigate the Parent Portal please click here Aeries: Parent Portal Instructions
Ensure Student Success
- Quick access to critical information, including real-time attendance, grades, test scores and more
- Real-time gradebook summary with visual trend analysis, as well as drill-down capability to the assignment level
- Weekly progress report emails to stay informed on student progress, along with direct communication between teachers and parents
Mobile Portals
- Students and parents have immediate access to real-time student information using their preferred mobile device
- Quickly access assignments, grades, and attendance with simple one-touch navigation
- Teachers have the freedom to take attendance anywhere with their mobile device